Saturday, January 21, 2017

Nose Job Costs in Metro Detroit

Average Rhinoplasty Costs in Metro Detroit, Michigan

Rhinoplasty costs vary by location, the surgeon that is performing the operation and the nature of the job. According to, the average cost for a nose job ranges from $2,750 to $11,900 making the average price of a nose job $7,500. This figure is derived based on more than 80 reviews posted on the website by actual customers.

Rhinoplasty Prices in Detroit, Michigan

According to more than 10,500 clients who voiced their opinion on the same website as cited above
the typical cost for Rhinoplasty near Detroit, Michigan ranges from $3,200 - $9,000 with an average cost of $6,200. The average for the state of Michigan is about $7,500. 

Revision Rhinoplasty Costs

When we're talking about corrective or revision rhinoplasty the cost goes up compared to a regular rhinoplasty procedure. The primary reason for this type of operation is to correct the work of the surgeon who conducted the operation in the first way.

Sometimes, the surgeon is to blame because of their inexperience, maybe they were rushed to perform the surgery and move on to the next procedure, or something else. Sometimes, the outcomes of rhinoplasty don't turn out pleasing are not to be blamed on the surgeon. Sometimes, the nose doesn't heal properly and may leave a scar, bump, may end up crooked or some other flaw.

Revision nose surgery requires more skill, patience and there's a chance that things may not turn out as hoped. This primary has to do with the healing of the nose and potential scar tissue formation.
Therefore, expect to pay more for this type of procedure.

The typical cost for corrective nose surgery in the United States is about $9,500. In Metro Detroit, expect to shell out anywhere from $4,000 on the low end to $11,000 on the high end. The usual cost is around $6,5000 in this area. The average for the state of Michigan matches that of the national average.

As with any other nose job procedure, costs are driven by surgeon, geographic locatin, and the difficulty of the procedure.